Monday, September 29, 2008

Social Network Profiting

I meant to post this the other day, my blog still hates me. I found this article on It discusses how google wants to make social networking sites profitable. The basic gist is that google wants to place promotional ads on the most popular social networking sites. They want to create a Web site that will rank the most popular sites so then companies can then target the audiences they want and advertise on the popular sites. To me, ths is stupid. Social networking sites are not for ads or promoting. People use them to get information, to hear people's opinions, and to find interesting links about what is happening. If there were advertisements, I know I would pay no mind to them. Facebook now has ads on users homepage. I never click on them and actually find them quite annoying. I would not like seeing these ads on even more social networking sites. They are distracting and utilizing these sites for the wrong things.

And after thinking more about this issue, I realized that if google ranks and categories social networking sites, people would not need to do research. Everything would be right in front of them. They wouldn't have to research their target audience because they could find them through which sites they visit and target them there.

I think social networking sites should be used for one thing, social networking. Why does everyone need to make a profit through every way possible?

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