Thursday, September 18, 2008

There is a light

It's official, the world works in mysterious ways. Today started out terribly. Aside from waking up late for class, a bunch of things started to pile up on me. Of course, all revolved around DZ since my position is in full swing for the next two weeks. First, I ordered stuff for sorority recruitment and it was supposed to arrive today. But instead, I get a phone call and it has yet to be shipped due to the fact that the shipping address is in Ohio but the billing address is in New Jersey. After jumping through multiple holes and having a huge freak out/mental breakdown, everything seemed to play out. The company prioritized my shipment for no charge since the products would be used for a philanthropic event. I was so relieved. It was like a huge weight being lifted from my shoulders. And then, I started to get nervous about decorations, planning, and my budget. But after venturing to Wal-Mart, I was still very well under budget. I always worry about money and the fact that I still had so much money for recruitment was another breath of fresh air. So my day, which started with no light in sight, ended on such a great note. It made me realize that sometimes being positive pays off. Although I got upset and freaked out, I kept telling myself things would work out and could always be worse. And now here I am, cool, calm, and collected :)

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