Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Nickelodeon Dismisses Chris Brown

Today on Twitter I noticed a link to a page about Nickelodeon's upcoming kids choice awards. The drama surrounds the current Chris Brown situation. Chris Brown, accused woman beater, is still on the ballot for the Kid's Choice Awards. They rationalize that since he was voted in by the kids, they can't take him off. Later this week, it was announced that Chris Brown has been removed from all categories for the awards.

I think this is insane. Yes, Chris Brown is accused of something, but he has yet to be found guilty or even begin trial. I do not think this is a great role model move, but obviously if Rihanna forgives him enough to go back to him after putting him in such a negative public light, we should give the guy some credit. He worked hard this year and deserves to get recognized for his music. The world is so hypocritical. Even though T.I. is sentenced to over a year in jail, MTV gave him a television show. But Brown is claimed to have hit his girlfriend and is completely shunned by the public. I think, if someone famous commits a crime or is accused of breaking the law, we should treat them all the same. Either let them continue their career until found guilty or innocent OR not allow any of them to keep working.

I admit, I am a total Chris Brown fan and suppose I am a little biased, but we have yet to hear the whole story. I do not think it is fair for the public to simply blow him off after no action has been taken since the police report. I feel we should give Brown credit and wait until court to turn our backs on a young superstar the public has held on a pedelstal!

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