Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Help Needed ASAP!

Hey Social Media Class, this one's for you! As you know, I am the director of our NATIONALLY AFFILIATED firm, VisionCommunications. One of our clients, Polar Bear Nation, is looking for someone to manage their blog. I know we are all busy, but I figured this is a great opportunity for one of us to get our feet wet in the real world. If anyone who is in social media is interested in joining firm and managing this blog, please let me know ASAP! Either comment on here or stop me after class. It would only be once a day. The blog will be about the environment, so there really shouldn't be too much to manage. You will just have to make sure no one is saying anything too out there or causing a ruckus. You would also need to post a few times a week about some new environment issues or something going on in the world affecting the environment. I am sure Agozzino will let this count towards class. Let me know if you are even remotely interested :)

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