Monday, October 13, 2008

Tweet Tweet

As everyone knows, I have bashed Twitter week to week in class. But after reading a webinar on the Fahlgren-Mortine Web site, my mind has changed. There is so much you can actually do with Twitter. It reminds me of AIM in a sense. Twitter is like having a conversation with multiple people when they get around to it. I can post a question and multiple people answer me, but on their own time. I should have given Twitter more of a chance from the beginning. At least now I know better and am going to start taking this page a little more seriously. I feel there is a lot to learn from people on Twitter, not only about social media, but news and PR in general.

1 comment:

Lara Kretler said...

Glad you found the webinar slides useful. I used Twitter as a fantastic short cut into the world of blogging, social media and social networking. I definitely recommend it to anyone in PR.