Monday, October 20, 2008

Stupid Colds

Every year, when the weather starts to change, I start to get sick. And not just like a week long thing. No, not that. I get a stuffy nose and my ears clog. My throat starts to hurt and I can't breath. My body aches all over and I get super cold. And this will last for probably a month. It's terrible. And, as of last night, I am sick. This year, I can't decide if I want to just let my body take care of itself, go to the health center (my mom is a firm supporter of just going, that they 'might' be able to help), or use something from over the counter. Brandon took that mucinex stuff and was better in days. I am thinking I will try that since conference starts this Thursday and I'm pretty sure my car doesn't really want to spend two hours with me sniffling and I don't think my room would like to sleep with sickness. I better get to the drug store today, I can't handle this today. With the research paper due tomorrow, a spanish presentation on Wednesday, firm stuff, and other classes, I can't exactly afford to feel like crap. If anyone knows anything else that will kick this other than mucinex, let me know! Please!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amanda my love, I suggest for you to get a lot of sleep even though you have a lot of school work to do. I hope I don't get sick from you since I feel like I see you all the time! I would not suggest to go to the health center though, I feel they do not help you. I went recently because I was unable to hear out of not one but both of my ears due to an ear infection. The doctor that came in to see me said I may just need to clean my ears out better after I get out of the shower. Excuse me, I Q-tip my ears every time thank you. So I personally did not have a good experience with the health center but you might have better luck if you go and maybe see a different doctor than I did. Feel better! :o)